Hi Sergio

Thanks for sharing your insights!

I'm thinking about going solo for quite some time now, but I'm still not confident enough to do it.

How did you prepare, before you did the jump? Sorry if you already wrote about that, just stumbled upon this poste... I'll check out you previous posts as well.

Would you do it again? Or what would you do differently?

Would you recommend consulting?

Keep up the great work!

Kind regards,


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Thanks for your comments and your questions!

What I did to prepare: I started consulting before leaving my full time job. That gave me a taste for it, as well as a better understanding of what the market was.

Having savings also help, to that you can give yourself enough time to scale up your new endeavour. Some people like to work with the impending deadline of financial obligations, but I believe that can lead to shortcuts that will inevitably undermine the quality and the results of your work.

I started only 3 months ago, and so far I'm very satisfied with the experience.

What I'd do differently? Start earlier :)

On whether I'd recommend consulting: it depends as it's a very personal choice. Think about what you are good at and what you like doing, then try it out for a bit before deciding.

Hope this helps!

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